Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sex Ratios in Social Insect Colonies

In social insect societies of ants, bees and wasps, sterile, female workers help their mother by caring for the young. In these insects, sex determination is based on a genetic system of haplodiploidy. Larvae hatching from unfertilized eggs are haploid (have one set of chromosomes, from the mother only) and are male. Young hatching from fertilized eggs are diploid (with a set of chromosomes from both mother and father) and are female. In these colonies, the number of males is usually limited, and they typically leave the colony after reaching maturity. Their lives are short and focused around mating only. In contrast, the females stay with the colony to help raise the young, and to protect, build, and maintain the nest.

In termite societies this is not the case. The males and females share the work, and therefore the sex ratio is more or less even. This suggests that the sex ratio of social insects is biased towards the sex of the species that helps the colony.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Researchers Find Dung Beetles Are Able to Use The Milky Way for Orientation

For the first time, researchers have shown that an insect, the dung beetle, navigates using starlight.

Male dung beetles roll animal feces into balls in order to attract females. The dung serves a purpose as well, food for the young larvae when the female accepts her gift and mates with the male. Like many other animals, the males have competition: other males. Competitors will steal a ball of dung before the hard-working male can deliver it to his potential mate. 

To avoid having the smelly gift stolen, a male needs to make a quick getaway from the dung pile. This involves moving in a straight line. Researchers observed that on moonless nights the beetles were able to travel in a straight path.

Experimenters set out to study this observation and found the beetles were able to use the milky way, rather than individual stars, as well as the moon, to navigate. They also found that navigation was more difficult in overcast conditions or if the insects were otherwise hindered by sight.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lucy the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Lucy is my pet cockroach. She mostly hides under her peat moss all day. Every few days I spray down the moss and sides of her terrarium with water. She's been responding more quickly lately and actually walking around and taking drinks off the sides while I'm watching. One day I grabbed my phone to take some video. Enjoy!

YouTube Video: Structural Colour, Soap Films, & Nanotech Security From Butterflies

Friday, January 18, 2013

Developments in Sleeping Sickness Research

According to the CDC, about 10,000 cases of sleeping sickness are reported in Africa yearly. Sleeping sickness, or human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), is caused by the zooflagellated protozoa, Trypanosoma brucei. Trypanosoma is a single celled parasite that splits its life cycle between a tsetse fly host and a mammalian host. Two subspecies of the parasite are transmitted to humans by the bite of tsetse flies, in the genus Glossina, when the flies take a blood meal. The first subspecies T. b. rhodesiense, is responsible for what is known as East African sleeping sickness, and the second T. b. gambiense is responsible for West African sleeping sickness. The tsetse fly is found only in Africa, and the disease is rarely reported in other countries besides African countries. The few cases in other countries are found in African immigrants or returning travelers from Africa.

Up until recently, doing mechanistic studies of the development of Trypanosoma brucei has been difficult due to the expense and effort of rearing a large enough tsetse fly colony in the lab. After the tsetse fly bites an infected mammal, the trypanosome differentiates from its infective form to a non-infective form inside the midgut of the fly. As the parasite develops, divides, and moves from the fly midgut to its salivary glads, it, once again, becomes infectious to humans. Though this developmental process has been illuminated for a long time, the molecular mechanisms of this development has been difficult to study in the flies themselves.

In December, researchers reported in Science, about a new development in producing the infectious form of the protozoan (metacyclics), in vitro, from the non-infectious form using an overexpression of a single RNA-binding protein, TbRBP6. In the experiment, the metacyclics produced by this method successfully infected lab mice. The trypanosomes that were not induced with RBP6, were not detected in the blood of the mice inoculated with with these (and other) controls. With an effective means of metacyclogenesis, mechanistic research of trypanosome development can progress, hopefully uncovering new ways to control transmission of sleeping sickness.

More recently, in a newly published study, researchers suggest that animal reservoirs of Trypanosoma may be more important than previously thought. This means that even if sleeping sickness is eradicated in the human population, it could resurface again because of its persistence in other animal populations. Researchers say that human treatment programs may not be the reason why trypanosomiasis cases are in decline, but rather, loss of wildlife habitat may be cited as the cause.

Eastern African sleeping sickness has been known to be transmitted from cattle to human hosts. However, this particular form of the disease makes up only about 2% of the total cases of HAT. The other 98% of cases are Western African sleeping sickness, caused by the subspecies, T. b. gambiense. It was previously thought that this form was only found in wild and domestic animals more rarely and that other animals did not transmit the West African form of the disease.

Using blood data from humans, domestic animals, and wild animals over a span of 6 years, scientists built a model revealing that it is likely that more than just humans are playing a role in transmission of the infective parasite. This makes it possible for the disease to be revived, even if eliminated from the human population. Though much ambiguity remains, this knowledge can be useful for future elimination efforts.


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Understanding How Temperature Changes Affect Biological Clocks in Fruit Flies

In order to understand how temperature affects circadian clocks, researchers subjected fruit flies to daily temperature changes that mimic warmer or colder climates. They found that, in warmer temperatures, a group of cells on the dorsal of the brain were important for clock-synchronization. In colder temperatures, however, a group of cells on the ventral side of the brain were more important. It was also found that without the light-receptor, Cryptochrome, the flies were more sensitive to changes in temperature. Research in this area can help further our understanding of the environment on our internal clocks, as well as help develop treatments of sleeping disorders.

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Biodiversity Affects Pollination Efficiency in Honey Bees

New research suggests that when other species of bees are present, honey bees change their behavior which, in turn leads to more efficient pollination of almond crops. Lead author, Claire Brittain, of the study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, says that "these findings highlight the importance of conserving pollinators and the natural habitats they rely on." California's biggest export, almonds, can see bigger yields when pollination efficiency is increased.

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Symbiosis of Gut Bacteria in Cotton Stainers

Dysdercus fasciatus is the species pictured below. These are known as cotton stainers in the family Pyrrhocoridae. A recent study set out to answer the question of how these bugs could survive on cotton seeds, which have high levels of secondary metabolites that are toxic, and lack in some essential nutrients.
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology discovered the bugs cultivate a community of symbiotic bacteria. These bacteria are transferred to the eggs of these insects via the female and taken up by young larvae when they hatch. Experiments show that without the bacteria, the mortality rate of these insects is very high. Another experiment demonstrates that the bacteria are species specific. When the communities of bacteria were switched in different species, the bugs experienced a decrease in fitness.
In addition to learning more about symbiosis and the ecology & evolution of insects, research in this area can lead to better biocontrols for these destructive insects.

Read the full story here:
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